Command Name Parameters Description
CMD.BookmarkAdd - Add current position to bookmarks
CMD.BookmarkEdit - Change stored bookmarks
CMD.CompareCompareEditor TEXT FileName Compare the editor file to another open file
CMD.CompareCompareFile TEXT FileName Compare the editor file to a file on disk
CMD.CompareCompareSelEditor TEXT FileName Compare the editor's selection to a another open file
CMD.CompareCompareSelFile TEXT FileName Compare the editor's selection to a file on disk
CMD.CompareNext - Navigate to the next block of differences
CMD.ComparePrevious - Navigate to the previous block of differences
CMD.CompareReset - Clear the comparison result buffer
CMD.CompareShowDiffs BYTE DoHilight Highlight bytes that differed in comparison
CMD.DiskFirstSector - Load first sector from disk
CMD.DiskGotoSectorPosition QWORD SectorNumber Load a specific sector from disk
CMD.DiskLastSector - Load last sector from disk
CMD.DiskNextSector - Load next sector from disk
CMD.DiskOpenDrive TEXT PartitionOrDrive [, DWORD AmountOfSectors] Open a hard disk, floppy or CDRom
CMD.DiskPreviousSector - Load previous sector from disk
CMD.DiskWriteSector - Write changes back to disk
CMD.EditAddToPosList - Add the current position to the position list
CMD.EditConvert TEXT TranslationFrom, TEXT TranslationTo Convert Data
CMD.EditCopy - Copy selection to clipboard
CMD.EditCut - Cut selection to clipboard
CMD.EditDeleteNibble - Delete a half byte (nibble) at the current position
CMD.EditFindNext - Repeat most recent find action
CMD.EditFindReplace TEXT FindReplaceWhat, BYTE DoIgnoreCase, BYTE DoFindTextOrRegEx [, TEXT Wildcard [, TEXT Replacement, BYTE DoReplaceText, BYTE DoReplaceAll]] Find (and replace) text or data; if DoFindTextOrRegEx=2, do a regular expression search.
CMD.EditFindStore TEXT DataToFind, BYTE DoIgnoreCase, BYTE DoFindTextOrRegEx [, TEXT Wildcard [, BYTE DoSearchWholeDisk, [BYTE DoOverwriteCurrentList]]] Find all occurences of a data in a document and store the results in the position list. If DoFindTextOrRegEx=2, do a regular expression search.
CMD.EditGoto DWORD Position Goto position
CMD.EditInsertNibble - Insert a half byte (nibble) at the current position
CMD.EditPaste - Paste clipboard contents
CMD.EditRedo - Revoke last undo
CMD.EditSelect DWORD SelStart, DWORD SelEnd Enter start and end position of the selection
CMD.EditSelectAll - Select all
CMD.EditUndo - Undo last modification
CMD.FileClose - Close the current window
CMD.FileCloseAll - Close all editor windows
CMD.FileExit - Close
CMD.FileExport TEXT ExportScriptName, TEXT FileName [, BYTE DoOnlySelection, BYTE DoToClipboard] Export file or current selection to disk or clipboard
CMD.FileImport TEXT FileName, TEXT ImportScriptName Import data from a file in a specific format
CMD.FileInsertFile TEXT FileName Insert the contents of a different file
CMD.FileNew - New file
CMD.FileOpen TEXT FileName Open file
CMD.FileOpenGroup TEXT GroupFileName Open a group of files
CMD.FilePrint - Print Data
CMD.FilePrintSetup - Change printer options
CMD.FileReload [BYTE DoSkipConfirmation] Reload the current file from disk
CMD.FileReopenCleanup - Remove not existing files from this menu
CMD.FileSave - Save file
CMD.FileSaveAs TEXT FileName Save file under a different name
CMD.FileSaveGroup TEXT GroupFileName[, BYTE DoSaveAllOpenFiles] Save a file group. If DoSaveAllFiles is set to 1, you are not prompted for selection of the files in the group but all open files are put in the group
CMD.FileSaveSelection TEXT FileName Save the current selection to disk
CMD.FileStatistics [TEXT ExportFileName[, BYTE DoCloseDialog]] Show file statistics and possibly export them to a RTF file
CMD.HelpAbout - Show About Box
CMD.HelpIndex - Show help index
CMD.HelpLookForUpdates - Look for available updates on
CMD.HelpScriptReference - Show the Tiny Hexer Script reference help index
CMD.HelpVersionHistory - Show Tiny Hexer's version history
CMD.OptionsCustomizeTB - Add or delete buttons on the tool bar
CMD.OptionsEditCustomTranslationTable - Edit custom translation table
CMD.OptionsEditorSettings - Change current editor window's properties
CMD.OptionsGlobalSettings - Change global settings
CMD.OptionsLoad TEXT FileName Restore previously saved settings
CMD.OptionsSave TEXT FileName Save current settings to file
CMD.PosListCopy - Copy the items selected in the position list to the clipboard
CMD.PosListDeleteSelected - Remove all selected items from the position list
CMD.PosListLoad TEXT FileName Load the given file into the position list
CMD.PosListPrint - print the contents of the position list
CMD.PosListSave TEXT FileName Save the contents of the position list to file
CMD.PosListSelectAll - Select all items in the position list
CMD.PosListShiftSelected QWORD ShiftValue Modify the value of the selected entries in the position list
CMD.ProcessReadMemory - Open the Read Process Memory dialog
CMD.ProcessWriteMemory - Show the Write Process Memory dialog
CMD.StructCancelUpdate - Structure Viewer: Cancel script execution
CMD.StructCopy - Structure Viewer: Copy to clipboard
CMD.StructHelp - Structure Viewer: Open the help file
CMD.StructLoadScript TEXT FileName Structure Viewer: Load a structure script
CMD.StructNew - Structure Viewer: Clear the current script
CMD.StructPrint - Structure Viewer: Print contents
CMD.StructSaveOutput TEXT FileName Structure Viewer: Save the text to a file
CMD.StructSelectAll - Structure Viewer: Select whole text
CMD.StructUpdate - Structure Viewer: Update structure
CMD.ToolsConfigure - Configure the toolbox
CMD.ToolsExecuteScript TEXT ScriptFileName [, TEXT Parameters] Load and execute an Tiny Hexer script
CMD.ToolsPosList BYTE DoShow Show/Hide the position list
CMD.ToolsStructureViewer BYTE DoShow Show/Hide the structure viewer
CMD.ToolsValueEditor BYTE DoShow Show/Hide the value editor
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetDec - Decimal offset
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetHex - Hexadecimal offset
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetNone - No offset
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetOct - Octal offset
CMD.ViewNumberDec - Show Decimal numbers
CMD.ViewNumberHex - Show Hexadecimal numbers
CMD.ViewNumberOct - Show Octal numbers
CMD.ViewReadOnlyView BYTE DoViewReadOnly View files, do not allow to edit
CMD.ViewSynchronize BYTE DoSynchronize | TEXT WindowToSynchronize [, QWORD SynchronizeOffset] Start/stop editor view synchronization
CMD.ViewTranslationUnicodeBE BYTE DoViewUnicode Switch unicode (Big Endian) on/off
CMD.ViewTranslationUnicodeLE BYTE DoViewUnicode Switch unicode (Little Endian) on/off
CMD.ViewWindowBar BYTE DoShow Toggle the window bar
CMD.WindowCascade - Cascade windows
CMD.WindowTileH - Tile windows horizontally
CMD.WindowTileV - Tile windows vertically